Palatable Pallets

Who knew there were so many uses for wood palates? Correction, who knew there were any uses for wood pallets. I wrote a post earlier this week called A Bed Fit For a King… and a Queen… and a Cat, that showed an outdoor bed made out of wood pallets. This got me thinking… What else can you make out of these inexpensive, easy to acquire and totally recycled pieces of wood?

The answer is tons of shit! Pardon my French, but I was surprised, excited and inspired. It is truly amazing the amount of cool/beautiful things you can make with such ugly/industrial looking pieces of wood. Check it out…

Pallet Garden

As you know I am working on making my balcony more lush and livable, so this obviously caught my eye. I am pretty sure I would kill everything in here in about a week, but at least it would be pretty for a while. Learn how to make one for yourself at LIFE ON THE BALCONY.

Toddler Pallet Bed

It’s going to be a whileย long while before I need to build one these, but definitely wouldn’t mind keeping this in my bag of tricks. Way cooler than a race car bed in my opinion. However, I would be a little worried about splinters. For the full tutorial check out Lori Danelle’s blog.

Outdoor Pallet Table

This one is by far my favorites and possibly the most functional and problem free. As of now we are using a step up box the Hubby made for us to workout with. He accidentally make it too tall for either of us to use, so it is either going to be used as a huge planter or an awkward outdoor table. I would totally prefer the pallet table. Check out Joy Ever After to make your own.

Another Pallet Garden

This pallet garden may be a little more my speed. It looks a little less labor intensive and a lot cleaner. I definitely would have dirt all over the place in the first pallet garden and I know my plant levels would not look as pretty and even. The Inspired Room’s project is probably more my cup of tea.

Pallet Wall Art

These are great, because not only do they serve as art in your home, but they serve as a reminder to you all the things that you stand for and want for your family. This way there is no excuse for not remembering or now knowing. It’s on the pallet… read it… believe it… Thank you Tonya from Love of Family & Home… Sometimes we all need a little reminder of what we believe in.


  1. awesome, now i know what to do with the two pallets standing around in my garden shed

  2. I have nominated you for The Versatile Blogger Award! To read about the award visit my post and pass it on! Congrats, it is a joy to read your work!

  3. Great post. I am also running around looking for pallets. I wanted to make our garden gate with one. I love the garden furniture options. Looks like its going to be a busy summer ๐Ÿ™‚

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